September 30, 2024


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Eversource Focuses on Connecticut amid Appeal of Penalties
Eversource says improving its relationship with Connecticut policymakers and ratepayers is a “top priority” even as it appeals a state-imposed penalty.
California Governor Proclaims Emergency as Blackouts Loom
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an emergency declaration aimed at keeping the lights on this summer by waiving clean-air rules and paying more for demand response.
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Midwestern Grid Operators Battle Summer Heat
SPP, ERCOT and MISO are all taking action this week to meet high demand as sweltering summer temperatures kick in.
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GOP Presses Glick on Natural Gas, Climate at FERC Oversight Hearing
FERC Chair Richard Glick bobbed and weaved his way through a House oversight hearing as Republicans attempted to pin him to positions on natural gas.
NRC Conducting Special Inspection of Davis-Besse
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is inspecting the Davis-Besse nuclear plant after a "complicated" reactor trip in July and diesel generator failures.
Texas Admin Monitor
ERCOT Briefs: Week of July 19, 2021
ERCOT has filed to finance $2.9 billion in market debt stemming from high-priced market transactions during February’s devastating winter storm.
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FERC Tosses NV Energy Complaint Against CAISO Summer Plan
FERC dismissed an NV Energy complaint related to CAISO’s plan to restrict certain wheel-through transactions when tight power supply threatens reliability.
Texas Senate Business & Commerce Committee
ERCOT Issues ‘Roadmap to Grid Reliability’
ERCOT has released a 60-point roadmap designed to improve the Texas Interconnection’s reliability and resource adequacy.
NREL: International Tx Critical for Emission Reductions, Resource Adequacy
The U.S. and Canada signed an MOU on grid expansion collaboration and released a report promoting a massive buildout of transmission across North America.
Texas Admin Monitor
PUC Debates Answers to ERCOT’s Reliability Issues
The Texas Public Utility Commission’s rookie electric utility regulators last week stood in front of the proverbial fire hose, wielded by ERCOT staff, market participants and the grid’s Independent Market Monitor, as they try to get a grip on how best to respond to February’s disastrous winter storm. In what the PUC billed as the …

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