September 30, 2024


Consumer Groups Call for Efficiency, DR Measures
As Texas regulators prepare to release a blueprint for a redesigned ERCOT market, ACEEE warned of overlooking benefits from efficiency and demand response.
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Texas PUC Appoints Members to Reliability Council
The Texas PUC announced eight electric reps to the Texas Energy Reliability Council, created to address critical infrastructure issues.
ERCOT’s Jones Looks Ahead, not Behind
Interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones focused on the grid operator's need to adapt its market to future changes during a speech to the Gas and Power Institute.
Energy Bar Association
EBA Panel Discusses Management and Mitigation of Cybersecurity Risks
A panel on the opening day of the Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Forum discussed cybersecurity risks on critical energy infrastructure.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Transmission Planning Needs to be Improved — And We Already Know How to Do It
Reliability and clean energy related public policies are increasing the need for and benefits of large-scale transmission to avoid increased electricity costs.
NYPSC: Utilities Ready for Winter; Electric and Gas Prices Increasing
New York officials forecast that utilities will have sufficient electric and natural gas capacity for the coming winter, though bills will likely be higher.
Overheard at 2021 ISO-NE Regional System Plan Forum
ISO-NE hosted a virtual public forum to discuss its draft 2021 Regional System Plan, with Sen. Angus King and NERC CEO Jim Robb speaking.
Vistra Energy
California Can Get By Without More Gas, Energy Commission Says
The California Energy Commission updated its midterm reliability analysis for 2022-2026, concluding California has enough capacity without adding fossil fuels.
Southern Power
ERCOT Mothballed Resources Return to Year-round Ops
Three generating units with 226 MW of capacity, previously mothballed on a seasonal basis, are returning to year-round service in the ERCOT market.
Texas Market Taking Winterization Seriously this Time
There's a new focus on winter weather in the Texas electricity market after February's winter storm drove the ERCOT grid to the brink of collapse.

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