September 29, 2024


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ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Feb. 27-28, 2023
ERCOT staff says that despite “not insignificant” forced outages during the December winter storm, it set a new winter demand record and supported reliability.
NRECA Endorses 2-Year Limit on NEPA Reviews
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association urged Congress to streamline permitting of transmission, backing a bill to limit NEPA reviews to two years.
We Energies
FERC Affirms MISO’s Seasonal Auctions, Accreditation
MISO can continue as planned with its seasonal capacity auction and availability-based resource accreditation, FERC ruled, rejecting rehearing requests.
FERC Orders New Reliability Standards in Response to Uri
FERC ordered two new NERC reliability standards in response to the February 2021 winter storm that nearly led to the collapse of the Texas Interconnection.
Federal and State Regulators Look into How to Improve Grid Security
The sixth meeting of the Joint Federal State Task Force on Transmission focused on securing the grid against physical attacks.
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NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: Feb. 13, 2023
NYISO on Monday updated the Operating Committee on January operations performance and how the early-February cold snap event impacted the grid.
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WECC Panel Challenges Conventional Views on Grid Reliability
The electric sector must fundamentally reconsider how it measures and manages grid reliability, speakers on a WECC panel said.
Austin Energy
ERCOT Briefs: Week of Jan. 30, 2023
Icy weather knocked more than 400,000 Texas customers offline last week, but all outages were at the local distribution level.
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Phillips Says Transmission NOPRs Still a Priority
Acting FERC Chairman Willie Phillips made his first comments since taking over the agency.
ERCOT Survives One Test, Faces Another
ERCOT survived a record-breaking summer and a pre-Christmas winter storm, but now it must gain lawmakers' approval of a new market design.

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