September 28, 2024


NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: July 14, 2023
The committee discussed future energy deficiencies in New York City, NYISO's demand curve reset and impacts from extreme weather in the region.
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PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: July 11, 2023
PJM's Planning Committee discussed the recommended load model to be used in the 2023 Reserve Requirement Study (RSS), while the TEAC gave an update on the ongoing third window of its 2022 RTEP and the opening of the 2023 RTEP later this month.
NYC to Fall 446 MW Short for 2025, NYISO Reports
New York City faces a 446-MW shortfall in 2025 because of plant retirements and the delayed completion of the Champlain Hudson Power Express, NYISO said.  
OMS-MISO RA Survey Signals Potential for 9-GW Shortfall by 2028
MISO and the Organization of MISO States’ resource adequacy survey warned that a more than 9-GW shortfall could loom by the decade’s end, though it painted an adequate supply picture for the upcoming year.
NAESB Wrapping up Gas-electric Harmonization Forum
NAESB is wrapping up a process to develop recommendations to improve coordination between the natural gas and electric industries, which needs to be improved after it contributed to recent cold weather reliability events.
Ohio Legislators Raise Concerns About Cost Impact of Illinois’ CEJA

Ohio lawmakers are raising concerns about how the costs from Illinois’ Climate and Equitable Jobs Act will impact their state's ratepayers.

GOP Senators Call for FERC Conferences on EPA Power Plant Rule
Two key Republican senators asked FERC to hold formal technical conferences on EPA's Power Plant Rule, noting the regulator did so for Obama's Clean Power Plan.
Regenerate California
Report Criticizes Gas Plant Performance During California Heat Wave
California's gas-fired power plants experienced a surge of curtailments and spiking emissions during last summer's heat wave, according to the report from an in-state environmental coalition.
NERC Finds Grid Generally Reliable and Resilient
NERC found that the bulk power system was generally reliable and resilient in 2022, but forced outages among coal and natural gas plants hit their highest level in the decade.
NE Stakeholders Debate Future of Everett at FERC Winter Gas-Elec Forum
FERC stakeholders debated winter reliability challenges in the Northeast, including the potential loss of the Everett LNG import terminal.

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