October 7, 2024


New NERC Enforcement Methods Allow Self-Logging Minor Risk Issues
FERC last week approved NERC's new risk-based approach to reliability compliance monitoring and enforcement, the Reliability Assurance Initiative (RAI).
ISO-NE: Reverse Market-Solution Order
ISO-NE asked FERC last week to reverse its order directing a market-based solution for the next winter reliability program.
FERC Orders NYISO to Standardize RMR Terms in Tariff
NYISO must amend its Tariff to establish uniform rules for identifying and compensating reliability-must-run (RMR) generators, FERC ruled Thursday.
FERC Orders MISO to Use SPP Cost Allocation Method in Reliability Projects
MISO will have to adopt neighbor SPP’s cost allocation method for interregional transmission facilities addressing reliability needs, FERC said.
MISO Board to Review Entergy Lake Charles Project Following Stakeholder Pushback
Entergy’s request for a $187 million transmission upgrade near Lake Charles, La., will receive a “full review” by MISO’s board following stakeholder dissent over its classification as an out-of-cycle project.
FERC Upends MISO’s SSR Cost Allocation Practice
FERC upheld its order that MISO could no longer broadly allocate the SSR costs of three power plants in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
FERC to OK 3rd Party Sales of Frequency Response
Generators would be permitted to sell frequency response services at market-based rates under a rule proposed by FERC last week.
Cold Sends PJM to New Winter Record
PJM set a new winter record for electricity use Friday, with demand hitting about 143,800 MW as dozens of cities broke low temperature records.
Ginna Nuclear Plant Wins Contract to Keep Operating
The owner of the R.E. Ginna nuclear plant announced an agreement with Rochester Gas & Electric that will keep the plant operating for more than three years.
ISO-NE Chooses $740M Land-Based Tx Project for Boston Area
ISO-NE chose Eversource Energy and National Grid to build a $740 million land-based transmission project to solve reliability problems in the Boston area, rejecting a more expensive undersea cable proposal by NextEra.

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