September 28, 2024


FERC Orders Reliability Rules for Inverter-Based Resources
FERC issued a final rule Thursday directing NERC to develop standards to improve the reliability of inverter-based resources.  
Market Monitors Endorse Call for Gas Reliability Organization
Market monitors from all six FERC-jurisdictional ISO/RTOs endorsed calls for a NERC-like gas reliability organization.
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Community Engagement Key to Moving Transmission Projects Ahead

Transmission developers discussed the obstacles to getting their projects permitted and built, but also focused on successes, with a strong focus on community and stakeholder engagement.

NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: Oct. 13, 2023
The NYSRC Executive Committee approved the modeling assumptions for its 2024/25 installed reserve margin requirement study base case and discussed potential cap-and-invest updates.
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EBA Participants See Some Consensus in Gas-electric Harmonization Talks
The Energy Bar Association's Mid-Year Forum illustrated greater collaboration between than the electric and natural gas industries than normal.
Renewable Thermal Storage Could Zero out Industrial Heat Emissions
Thermal energy storage powered by renewables could be a flexible, cost-effective way to decarbonize heavy industry in the U.S., according to a new report from the Renewable Thermal Collaborative and Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.
Counterflow: More Stuff That Ain’t So
Columnist Steve Huntoon says a recent Moody’s report uses misleading data to make its case for investing in transmission to solve reliability problems.
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ERCOT Searching for 3 GW of Winter Capacity
ERCOT surprised market participants with an announcement that it plans to increase operating reserves by requesting an additional 3,000 MW of capacity to shore up the grid for the upcoming winter.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
ISO/RTO Execs Talk Reliability and Resource Mix at House Hearing

Senior executives from all seven ISO/RTOs discussed how the changing resource mix is impacting reliability.

Déjà Vu as FERC, NERC Issue Recommendations over Holiday Outages
FERC and NERC called for completing winterization standards and strengthening natural gas infrastructure in response to widespread outages last Christmas.  

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