July 2, 2024

Environmental Regulations

Carbon Capture Coalition
EPA Reportedly Soon to Release Rule on Power Plant CO2 Limits
EPA is poised to issue rules that would require all coal and gas-fired power plants to reduce or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040.
Texas LNG
Environmental Justice Issues on 2 LNG Facilities Split FERC Dems
The fate of 2 Texas LNG developments that had their approvals remanded to FERC drew out some disagreements among the regulators’ two Democrats in recent orders.
NYISO Seeking to Increase Emissions Transparency
NYISO gave ICAP/MIWG proposed methodology for measuring implied marginal emission rates to increase transparency around New York’s emissions output.
EPA Proposes Tougher MATS Regs on Coal Power Plants
EPA last week took the next step in its campaign to clean up coal-fired power plants, proposing to strengthen the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.
EPA Proposes Tighter Coal Plant Wastewater Regs
The revised Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards would build on standards set under President Obama but weakened under President Trump.
University of California, Berkeley
West Must Fight Wildfire with Fire, Forest Scientists Say
Forest experts speaking at a WIEB conference offered attendees a seemingly paradoxical message about how the West can best prevent catastrophic wildfires.
DC Circuit Rejects Challenge to CSAPR
The D.C. Circuit threw out a challenge from the Midwest Ozone Group to EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.
House Natural Resources Committee
Changes to Permitting Laws Face a Stark Partisan Divide
"Permitting reform" might be supported by a wide array of interests, but the details highlight major divides among the two political parties in Congress.
Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority
Texas Lawmakers Push to Save Retiring Coal Plant
Texas politicians are making a last-ditch push to save a 37-year-old coal plant in East Texas that they say has another 22 years of useful life.
NRECA Endorses 2-Year Limit on NEPA Reviews
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association urged Congress to streamline permitting of transmission, backing a bill to limit NEPA reviews to two years.

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