October 21, 2024

Environmental Regulations

Baker: New England Must Sacrifice to Lower Costs
New England's states may have to set aside their self-interests to overcome high energy prices, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said.
MISO Board of Directors Briefs
A summary of issues the MISO Board of Directors discussed at the MISO Informational Forum last week.
MISO: EPA Carbon Rule Will Mean ‘Multibillion Dollar’ Transmission Build-Out
MISO planners who just completed the third phase of a study on the Clean Power Plan said last week that a “multibillion dollar” transmission build-out will be necessary in almost every compliance scenario they’ve anticipated.
Northern Pass Opponents Want More of Line Buried
The developer of the Northern Pass transmission line that would bring Canadian hydropower to New England has proposed burying 60 miles of the line through scenic areas of New Hampshire, a change that will force a reduction in its capacity.
Northeast on Way to Compliance with Clean Power Plan
The New England states, along with New York, are generally well ahead of the targets set in the Clean Power Plan.
SPP, MISO, PJM States Join Opposition to Clean Power Plan
Attorneys general from 15 states asked a federal court in D.C. to block the Clean Power Plan.
Entergy Offers to Close Ark. Coal Plant to Meet EPA Haze Rule
Entergy has proposed closing one of its largest Arkansas coal plants by 2028 and making modifications to another to comply with EPA’s Regional Haze rule.
Wind Power Continues Growth Despite Policy Uncertainty
Clean energy technologies like wind power are seen as beneficiaries of the Clean Power Plan.
Final Clean Power Plan More Suited to Carbon Trading, Experts Say
Cap-and-trade is likely to be a core compliance plan for many states under the Environmental Protection Agency’s final version of the Clean Power Plan.
Battle Lines, Compliance Paths Form on Clean Power Plan
State and RTO officials have had two weeks to digest EPA's final Clean Power Plan and the battle lines — and paths to compliance — are developing.

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