October 20, 2024

Environmental Regulations

Commenters Weigh in on Tx Needed to Meet NY Policy Goals
NYISO forwarded to New York regulators 12 proposals for transmission projects to help the state meet its public policy objectives.
N.E. Roundtable Considers Carbon Pricing, State PPAs
The New England Restructuring Roundtable included discussions of a market design that could include carbon pricing and a two-tiered capacity market.
Analysis: No Knock Out Blow for Clean Power Plan Foes in Court Arguments
Hopes for overturning EPA's Clean Power Plan (CPP) appear to hinge on whether the agency overstepped its authority in relying on "generation shifting."
Consumer Advocates Challenge Nuclear Subsidy Cost Estimates
AARP and the Public Utility Law Project want New York regulators to provide more documentation to justify the Clean Energy Standard estimated $2/month rate increase for the average consumer.
NRECA Continues its Fight for the Little Guy
Mel Coleman, president of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) board of directors, spoke at the Clinton School of Public Service about the association's efforts to expand broadband Internet access and the history of the electric co-op.
UPDATED: New York Legislators Question Nuclear Subsidy
Five New York City-area legislators wrote to the Public Service Commission questioning the ratepayer-funded nuclear power plant subsidy.
CAISO Kicks off Effort to Track GHGs Under Regionalization
CAISO launched an initiative to develop a greenhouse gas accounting system suitable for an expanded ISO.
CES Under Attack on Multiple Fronts in Rehearing Requests
Numerous stakeholders have called for rehearing of New York’s Clean Energy Standard (CES) , raising objections over the subsidy for nuclear power and the elimination of support for some legacy renewable energy plants.
QA: NEPOOL Chair on Redesigning Market Rules for Low-Carbon Future
RTO Insider spoke to the chair of NEPOOL, which is reviewing its market rules to align them with New England’s efforts towards a low-carbon future.
PJM: Regional Plan Cuts Costs, but Gas Prices are Wild Card for CPP Compliance
The Clean Power Plan poses no threat to reliability in PJM, but compliance costs are highly sensitive to gas prices and whether states go it alone or combine efforts with a regional approach, according to a study released by the RTO.

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