October 19, 2024

Environmental Regulations

House Energy Chair Lays out Agenda in NARUC Address
Rep. Greg Walden told the NARUC winter meeting that the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hew close to traditional party positions.
UPDATED: GOP Overcomes Democrat Boycott on EPA Pick
Democrats boycotted the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee meeting, preventing a confirmation vote on Scott Pruitt for EPA administrator.
FERC OKs NYISO Demand Curve Reset
FERC approved the revised NYISO demand curves but said the ISO must eliminate the assumptions about new peaking plants in the NYCA.
Ex Rep Sees Smaller Federal Role in Energy Industry Under Trump
SPP's Mike Ross told the Strategic Planning Committee that the industry can expect a future with less federal intervention under President Trump.
Perry Regrets Calling for Ending DOE; Says Climate Changing
Rick Perry addressed climate change, the DOE and nuclear waste during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
Dems Unmoved by EPA Pick’s Charm Offensive
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee he did not agree with Trump's claim that climate change is a hoax.
Zinke: Climate Change Real, but Coal, Gas Should Continue
Rep. Ryan Zinke, Trump's nominee for secretary of the interior, faced questions from the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
RGGI Carbon Auction Prices Drop 22%
Carbon dioxide allowance prices dropped 22% at the 34th Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) auction, renewing calls to tighten emission limits.
Trump Transition Bodes Ill for Clean Power Plan
President-elect Donald Trump selected a climate change skeptic as EPA administrator, while his transition team was accused of conducting a "witch hunt."
Overheard at the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group Meeting
New England appears poised to withstand another winter of tight natural gas supplies, an RTO official told the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group meeting.

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