July 24, 2024

Environmental Regulations

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Analyst: FERC Asserts Role in Handling Nuke Subsidies
FERC and the U.S. Department of Justice told the 7th Circuit that Illinois' zero-emission credits (ZECs) program is not pre-empted by the Federal Power Act.
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NY Task Force Examines Carbon Pricing Impacts
The NYISO / NY DPS IPPTF learned that New York’s adoption of carbon pricing will likely increase the state’s wholesale energy prices and decrease prices for zero-emission credits.
Gov. Signs NJ Nuke Subsidy, Renewables Bills
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed legislation to subsidize the state’s nuclear generating fleet and boost renewable generation including solar, storage and offshore wind.
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Advocates Push PJM Board for Explanations at Annual Meeting
Consumer, small-business and environmental advocates pressed the PJM Board of Managers on the issue of transparency at their annual meeting.
House GOP Seeks Changes to New Source Review
Republicans are working on legislation that could allow power plants to avoid expensive upgrades under the EPA New Source Review (NSR) program.
FERC Narrows GHG Review for Gas Pipelines
The Republican majority at FERC narrowed the circumstances under which it will estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from natural gas pipeline projects.
Brattle Group
NYISO Floats Carbon Pricing Straw Proposal
NYISO is floating a proposal that would incorporate the social cost of carbon into the ISO’s wholesale market by debiting each energy supplier a uniform carbon emissions charge as part of its settlement.
Maine Lawmakers Signal Opposition to NECEC
The leaders of two key Maine legislative committees told Massachusetts regulators that they oppose the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC).
Izzo: Nukes Outside NJ Likely Eligible for State ZECs
A recently passed New Jersey law could lead to the state subsidizing nuclear plants outside its borders, Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) CEO Ralph Izzo said during his company’s first-quarter (Q1 2018) earnings call Monday.
NY Dept. of Public Service
NY Looks at Social Cost of Carbon, Modeling
To model the impacts of carbon pricing on dispatch, resource costs and emissions in its wholesale electricity market, New York would do well to start by estimating a social cost of carbon (SCC), experts told a state task force Monday.

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