July 24, 2024

Environmental Regulations

Dems Press EPA’s Wheeler on Climate at Confirmation Hearing
Senate Democrats pressed acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler on the agency’s efforts to reverse Obama policies on vehicle and power plant emissions.
Imports/Exports Top Talk at NYISO Carbon Pricing Kick-off
The working group charged with shepherding carbon pricing into New York’s wholesale electricity market discussed how to handle import/export transactions.
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Mass. Looks to Double Down on OSW, Clean Goals
Massachusetts is seeking to broaden its ambitious goals for procuring offshore wind and other clean energy, Department of Energy Resources officials said.
EPSA Asks Supreme Court to Review ZEC Rulings
Several power producers joined the Electric Power Supply Association in petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to review appellate court rulings upholding the New York and Illinois zero-emission credit programs.
Cal Fire
Trump Administration Fiddled While California Burned
2018 brought chilling warnings about the growing dangers of climate change, but President Trump continued to question the reality of a warming planet.
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PJM Ponders New Capacity Rules — Again — in 2019
In many ways, PJM's 2018 was much like years before, with capacity and energy market rules under constant redesign. Some stakeholders have grown weary of the churn.
IPPTF Hands off Carbon Pricing Proposal to NYISO
The Integrating Public Policy Task Force met for the last time before handing its final carbon pricing proposal to NYISO’s stakeholder governance process.
NYPSC Expands Storage, Energy Efficiency Programs
Rulings by the Public Service Commission will double New York’s existing 2025 storage goal and require the state’s utilities to reduce building energy use.
EPA Eases Rules for New Coal Generation
EPA proposed eliminating the requirement that new coal-fired generation incorporate carbon capture technology — a largely symbolic measure.
Brattle Group
IPPTF Updates Carbon Charge Analysis, Treatment of RECs
NYISO recommended its carbon pricing proposal no longer include emissions-free resources with existing REC contracts pay the LBMP carbon component.

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