September 30, 2024

Public Policy

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Clements Outlines Further Steps to Ease Interconnection Woes
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said addressing transmission planning issues will be a key component of cutting down interconnection backlogs.
CAISO Discusses Year-ahead Requirements for RA Program

CAISO staff and stakeholders again dove into the details of the ISO’s resource adequacy construct, including potentially creating year-ahead requirements and refining the existing capacity procurement mechanism.

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FERC Gets Growing Calls to Finish Transmission Rule in 2024
A growing chorus of stakeholders is hoping to see a final transmission planning rule from FERC sometime in the New Year, with a set of letters sent to the commission.
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Overheard at GridWise Alliance’s gridCONNEXT 2023
Panelists at the GridWise Alliance's gridCONNEXT conference discussed how to reliably and affordably enable the energy transition with smart meters, distributed energy resources and other investments at the grid's edge.
FERC Orders Settlement Procedures on NY Utilities’ Tx ROE Filing
FERC ordered two New York utilities into settlement procedures over their proposed 10.87% ROE on upgrades to meet the state’s renewable energy goals.  
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Affordability Must not Lose out in Energy Transition, NE Regulators Say

New England policymakers and stakeholders must not overlook the need for electric affordability in the energy transition, officials from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut told attendees of the New England Power Generators Association’s fifth annual New England Energy Summit.

Iowa ROFR Law Overturned, Throwing Multiple MISO LRTP Projects into Uncertainty
An Iowa court has formally struck down the state’s right of first refusal law, driving uncertainty for $2.6 billion worth of MISO's long-range transmission projects.
Former Ohio PUC Chair Charged with Bribery
Former PUCO Chair Sam Randazzo pleaded not guilty to charges that FirstEnergy paid him $4 million in bribes before his appointment to aid the utility.
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3rd Circuit Rejects Challenges to PJM MOPR, Affirms Authority over FERC Deadlocks
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld FERC's 2021 approval of PJM's tightened minimum offer price rule, which removed a requirement that resources receiving state subsidies be mitigated to their cost-based offer.
NYISO’s 10-Year Forecast: Challenges Ahead, but No Immediate Needs
NYISO’s new 10-year reliability plan finds no “actionable reliability needs,” but warns of narrowing reliability margins.

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