January 10, 2025

Public Policy

RTOs Seek More Flexible Compliance in Appeal of EPA Power Plant Rule
ERCOT, MISO, PJM and SPP filed a joint brief in the appeal of EPA’s power plant rule seeking more flexibility on compliance, arguing it is needed to ensure reliability.
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CPUC Sets New Energization Timelines for Calif. IOUs

The California PUC approved rules requiring the state’s three large investor-owned utilities to meet stricter timelines and targets for connecting electricity customers to the grid.

PJM OC Briefs: Sept. 12, 2024
The first biennial test of voltage-reduction capability was a success, PJM told the Operating Committee during its meeting. 
Mass. Court Upholds Approval of Controversial Eversource Substation
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld the Energy Facilities Siting Board’s approval of a controversial substation in East Boston, likely concluding the 10-year fight over the project.
BOEM Announces Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind Lease Sale
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced it will conduct an offshore wind energy lease sale for eight areas on the Outer Continental Shelf that would require floating turbines. 
Mass. Gov. Healey Includes Permitting Reform in Budget Proposal
Following the failure of the Massachusetts House and Senate to reach common ground on a climate bill this summer, Gov. Maura Healey (D) has proposed to include clean energy permitting and procurement provisions in a supplemental budget bill.
MMR Group
Clean Energy Buyers Push Passage of New Calif. Reliability Law
Assembly Bill 2368 would require the California Public Utilities Commission to adopt a 1-in-10 loss of load expectation — or a similarly robust planning standard — when setting resource adequacy requirements.
Webinar Examines How FERC Could Use Interregional Transmission Study
Congress and FERC will need to act to update its rules on interregional transmission planning, and likely permitting, if NERC’s Interregional Transfer Capability Study is going to be of any use, experts said on a webinar hosted by Americans for a Clean Energy Grid.
FERC Approves $3B BlackRock Deal for Global Infrastructure LLCs
FERC approved a deal in which BlackRock would buy all the limited liability company interests in Global Infrastructure Management for $3 billion in cash and 12 million shares of BlackRock Funding.
Study: HVDC Needs Standards to Take off in US to Aid Offshore Wind
Before the use of HVDC transmission lines can be expanded in the U.S., the offshore wind industry needs to set some standards, according to a joint company survey.

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