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The Texas Public Commission honored interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones’ tenure, showering him with praise and political recognition.
Transmission owners found themselves on the defensive throughout FERC's technical conference on transmission planning and cost management.
FERC's technical conference highlighted gaps between the commission, state regulators and RTOs in their oversight of transmission planning.
States need to fund, shape and incentivize projects that contribute to their emission-reduction goals, a speaker told New Jersey’s Clean Energy Conference.
NYISO proposed broadening rules for including projects in transmission studies, citing concerns that projects studied in one process may affect those in others.
Air Products plans to spend about $500 million to build a plant in New York that would produce 35 metric tons of liquid hydrogen a day for use as vehicle fuel.
NYSERDA has requested another year to set up the system of renewable energy credits that is part of the state’s plan to bring clean energy into New York City.
State regulators and consumer advocates urged FERC to order increased oversight over transmission owners' planning and spending.
Leaders from the three West Coast states and the Canadian province of British Columbia signed an agreement pledging to cooperate on climate change measures.
A new finding by the U.S. Bureau of Energy Management means California could see its first offshore wind lease auctions by the end of the year.
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