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FERC ruled that it will deem companies it regulates as affiliates if one nominates its own members, investors or employees to another’s board of directors.
The summit dug into the economics and politics surrounding net-zero initiatives, the progress being made and the inertia that continues to slow the transition.
ERCOT has approved a pilot project where Texas energy providers can aggregate their customers’ small DERs and sell the extra energy back to the grid.
Several renewable energy developers and investors filed comments with FERC arguing that PJM’s response to the commission’s deficiency letter is insufficient.
PJM Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring criticized inquiries into the budget of his firm, Monitoring Analytics, and the scope of its contract with the RTO.
FERC last week affirmed the Henderson, Ky., municipal utility’s status as a transmission owner in the MISO region.
Dough4872, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Pennsylvania PUC swore in three new members, bringing the five-member board to full strength for the first time in 30 months.
FERC staff said the grid seems well positioned to weather the cold months. However, rising demand is expected to drive gas prices higher than last year’s.
Ground source and district heat pumps could reduce N.Y.’s peak load by up to 12 GW, but it’s unclear whether their increased cost would produce net savings.
The mayor of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is confident his constituents will vote Nov. 8 to increase property taxes to help fund the city's climate programs.
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