PJM Planning Committee (PC)
The PJM Planning Committee continued fine-tuning the five remaining packages for assigning capacity interconnection rights to ELCC resources.
The PJM Planning Committee voted by acclamation to endorse the results of the 2022 Reserve Requirement Study.
The Planning Committee heard updates on PJM's capital budget, the Reserve Requirement Study and an appellate court ruling on transmission cost allocation.
A long-simmering dispute over PJM’s capacity accreditation of renewables is threatening to boil over, with some stakeholders calling for FERC intervention.
Stakeholders urged PJM to delay action on generation deliverability testing until rules on capacity interconnection rights for ELCC resources are complete.
Illinois’ climate goals could cost other states in PJM and MISO tens of millions in transmission upgrades as coal and natural gas power plants are retired.
PJM's top security officer briefed stakeholders on the RTO's responses to the latest cyber threats, including hostile activity by Russia and its allies.
Stakeholders welcomed proposed changes to PJM’s interconnection procedures as long overdue but challenged the RTO’s timeline and transition plans.
A debate over PJM's proposed load model, and discussions of generator deliverability testing and FERC NOPRs highlighted the Planning Committee meeting.
PJM responded to its Market Monitor’s latest recommendations, noting that many of the issues are in the scope of current stakeholder discussions.
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