July 23, 2024

PJM Planning Committee (PC)

ATSI RMR Units to Retire Early
Four out of five Reliability Must-Run generation units in the ATSI zone will shut down this year rather than 2015.
Import Limit Manual Changes Clear Planning Committee
The Planning Committee last week endorsed manual changes implementing PJM’s new capacity import limits.
`Smart’ Inverters May Give Solar Reactive Capability
Fearing a potential shortage of reactive power, PJM last week won stakeholder support for an initiative to consider requiring that renewables add 'smart' inverters.
No Major Changes Seen from Temp Corrections
New rules requiring temperature corrections of all steam generators should not have a major impact on PJM operations, an analysis shows.
Revised Economic Data Reduces Load Forecast
PJM predicts summer peak loads will increase by about 1% annually over the next decade, with a 1.4% increase in 2014. But the 2014 load forecast reduces peak and energy forecasts from the 2013 report.
Treat Electric Storage Like Limited DR: PJM
Advanced electric storage devices should be treated like limited demand response resources in the capacity market because of their short run times, PJM says.
Summer 2013 Load Growth Fastest Since Recession
PJM’s weather normalized summer peak increased by almost 1% in 2013, the largest increase since load growth resumed after the recession.
PC OKs Move to Flag Transmission Upgrades Earlier
The Planning Committee approved a manual change that will result in PJM identifying potential transmission upgrade requirements earlier in the study process.
PJM to Order Temperature Adjustments on Steam Units
PJM will require all steam generators to adjust their capacity ratings based on summer peak load conditions under manual changes outlined to the PC and MIC last week.
PC, TEAC Swap Meeting Dates with MIC
The Planning and Transmission Expansion Advisory committees will swap their meeting dates with the Market Implementation Committee in December.

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