July 22, 2024

PJM Planning Committee (PC)

Losing Bidders Blast Artificial Island Choice
Two losing bidders for the Artificial Island transmission project have issued harsh critiques of PJM’s handling of the solicitation, seeking to persuade the Board of Managers to reject planners’ recommendation that the project be awarded to PSE&G.
PJM Considering IRM Change for Winter
PJM officials are considering boosting the RTO’s installed reserve margin (IRM) for winter as a result of its experience in January, when it narrowly avoided shedding load amid frigid temperatures and high outage rates.
Planning Assumptions Debunked by Winter Outage Study
PJM will likely change its planning assumptions based on an analysis that found a strong correlation between wind chill indices and generator outages.
RTEP Proposal Window About a Month from Opening
The first project window for the 2019 PJM Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (RTEP) will open in about a month.
PPL Announces SPS for Susquehanna-Jenkins
PPL announced a special protection scheme to prevent overloads on its Susquehanna-Jenkins 230kv transmission line.
PC Starts Work on Small Generator Interconnection Changes
The Planning Committee voted last week to initiate work to bring PJM into compliance with FERC’s Small Generator Interconnection rules.
Education Sessions Set on Smart Inverters
The Electric Power Research Institute will lead an educational session on smart inverters March 31 as the Planning Committee begins work on developing standards for the devices.
PC, OC Endorse Manual Changes
The Planning and Operating committees endorsed changes to the following PJM Manuals: 7, 14A ,21 and 40.
ATSI RMR Units to Retire Early
Four out of five Reliability Must-Run generation units in the ATSI zone will shut down this year rather than 2015.
Transition Period OK’d for Seasonal Verification Rules
PJM members last week approved manual changes implementing the PJM seasonal verification rules, adding a transition period for units that have not been conducting the required tests.

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