PJM Other Committees & Taskforces
PJM’s proposed changes to the deployment of demand response could cost consumers billions, members said last week as the RTO and generators squared off against load-serving entities and industrial customers.
PJM proposed a $276 million operating budget for 2014, a $1 million reduction.
The following issues were approved by the Markets and Reliability and Members committees Thursday with little discussion. Each item is listed by agenda numbe...
Members agreed to consider new rules to allow batteries, flywheels and other advanced storage technologies to bid in the capacity market.
Some of the changes PJM is considering in the wake of September's unexpected heat wave include: more conservative reserve calculations, quicker and more granular demand response deployments and optimizing trades with neighboring regions.
RTO Insider's monthly preview of the items on the PJM MC and MRC agendas along with a description/explanation and links to our previous coverage.
The Operating Committee and Market Implementation Committee endorsed manual changes to Manuals 12 and 27. See article for details.
Below is a summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM MRC (Markets and Reliability Committee) Thursday, August 29, 2013.
The PJM OC heard first reading last week on changes to Manual 1, Attachment B: Schedule of Data Submittals for NERC Compliance.
The Market Implementation Committee Thursday endorsed changes to Manual 28: Operating Agreement Accounting.
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