July 6, 2024

PJM Operating Committee (OC)

Operating Committee Briefs
A round-up of news from the PJM Operating Committee.
PJM Sets Sub-Zonal Pricing Interface for Demand Response at New Castle
PJM has created a closed loop interface to capture the pricing of demand response in a transmission sub-zone spanning the Pennsylvania-Ohio border near New Castle, Pa.
Members Begin Work on Gas Dispatch Fixes
As temperatures soared into the 80s outside PJM offices last week, stakeholders began debating how to avoid a repeat of the gas dispatch operational problems from last winter.
PJM Seeks Action on Winter Lessons
PJM issued a comprehensive report on its response to the historic power demand during winter’s deep freeze, adding nine proposed recommendations for action to five initiatives already underway.
Members to Consider Easier Sharing of Real-Time Generator Data
Members agreed to consider an easier method for transmission owners to access real-time generator data, an effort intended to improve situational awareness and emergency response.
Black Start Deficiencies Covered for 2015
PJM Stakeholders are still considering revisions to black start compensation following the rejection of two proposals in March, but zones currently identified as deficient won’t be in jeopardy when generation retirements rise in spring 2015.
PJM Plans Sept. 23 Grid Drill
PJM is planning a system-wide drill Sept. 23 to simulate simultaneous physical attacks on critical substations, cyber attacks and loss of SCADA.
Transmission Briefs
Calpine announced SPS to accommodate Susquehanna-Roseland construction while PPL posted new line designations.
PJM Airs Plan for Winter Generator Tests
PJM took its first step toward requiring cold weather generator tests, briefing the Operating Committee last week on a proposed problem statement it hopes will result in improved preparedness next winter.
Stakeholders OK Changes on DR, Weather Alerts
Stakeholders endorsed manual changes to implement dispatch rules for demand response and lessons learned from the extreme weather of the last year.

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