July 23, 2024

PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)

Manual Changes
The Operating Committee last week endorsed changes to Manuals 3A and 13 while the Market Implementation Committee endorsed revisions to Manual 28.
PJM to Consider Relaxing UTC Rules
PJM will consider relaxing rules for up-to congestion transactions under a problem statement approved last week.
FTR Task Force Sunsets
The MIC approved the sunset of the Financial Transmission Rights Task Force.
Members to Develop DR Outage Rules
Members agreed to develop rules for demand response providers requesting maintenance outages.
MIC to Consider Real-Time Pricing Changes
The Market Implementation Committee will consider changes to PJM’s real-time pricing mechanism, which RTO officials say is depressing energy and reserve prices.
MIC Begins Work on Curve-Smoothing, Gen Adders
Stakeholders began work last week on an initiative to create more accurate capacity market price curves and a recommendation by the Market Monitor to eliminate adders for FMUs.
PJM: Change Real-Time Pricing
PJM proposed a change in its real-time pricing mechanism, saying the current methodology is depressing energy and reserve prices.
PJM to Order Temperature Adjustments on Steam Units
PJM will require all steam generators to adjust their capacity ratings based on summer peak load conditions under manual changes outlined to the PC and MIC last week.
PC, TEAC Swap Meeting Dates with MIC
The Planning and Transmission Expansion Advisory committees will swap their meeting dates with the Market Implementation Committee in December.
Task Force Sunset Approved
The Market Implementation Committee last week endorsed the sunset of a task force created in 2012 to develop a process for limiting compensation when resourc...

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