July 23, 2024

PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)

RPS Targets’ Cost: $13.7B in Tx Upgrades
PJM could get 30% of its energy from wind and solar power without reliability problems, but it could require as much as $13.7 billion in transmission upgrades, according to a long-awaited study.
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PJM, MISO Seek Common Ground on Congestion Values
PJM plans to change its definition of the PJM-MISO interface to eliminate double counting that can inflate congestion calculations in market-to-market transactions.
Pony Up!
Load serving entities in PJM are starting to calculate how much their bills are going to increase for a frigid January, and they aren’t happy about it.
MIC OKs Manual Changes Over DR Protests
PJM members endorsed rules describing when economic demand response is eligible for compensation, over the objections of some demand response providers, who said they are unfair.
Transition Period OK’d for Seasonal Verification Rules
PJM members last week approved manual changes implementing the PJM seasonal verification rules, adding a transition period for units that have not been conducting the required tests.
Members to Review Rules on Residential DR, SR Market
PJM members will consider relaxing metering requirements to make it more practical for residential customers to offer demand response into the synchronous reserve market under a problem statement approved Friday.
Members OK Review of Qualifying Transmission Upgrades Credit Rules
PJM stakeholders agreed to consider lowering credit requirements for Qualifying Transmission Upgrades.
UTC Inquiry Moves Ahead
Members agreed last week to move forward with an initiative that could result in reduced restrictions on Up-to Congestion transactions.
PJM: Overbilled $25M in Reactive Charges
PJM overcharged members by more than $25 million in reactive service charges last year and will begin providing refunds this month.
Members Developing Rules for New DR Products
With two new types of demand response about to be introduced, PJM members last week took steps to clarify rules on substitutions and maintenance outages for the products.

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