July 23, 2024

PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)

Members to Consider Changing Credit Rules Despite PJM Opposition
Members agreed last week to consider changing credit requirements for virtual transactions in January and February 2015 despite opposition from PJM.
PJM MIC OKs Settlement, Credit Changes
The PJM MIC approved several changes recommended by subcommittees regarding data submission deadlines and credit requirements.
PJM: Eliminate Synchronized Reserve ‘Windfall’
PJM last week proposed eliminating some generators from the calculation of Tier 1 synchronized reserves.
PJM Backs Off on Regulation Market Fix
PJM dropped a proposal to consider changes to the regulation market after receiving a cool reaction from stakeholders and the Market Monitor.
PJM: Can’t Delay Interface Postings for FTR Auctions
PJM officials last week defended their practice of creating interfaces to capture operator actions in response to voltage problems, saying they can’t guarantee the constraints will be modeled in FTR auctions.
PJM: Black Start Sources Ready to Replace Retiring Coal
PJM officials said they have acquired sufficient new black start capacity to replace coal-fired units that will retire over the next year due to environmental rules.
Members OK Change Sought by Banks
PJM members gave initial approval to a manual change that will make it easier for banks to purchase capacity providers’ revenue streams.
MIC OKs Initiative on Gas Unit Offers
PJM members approved yet another initiative to address reliability concerns over gas-fired generators, agreeing to consider changes to the way such units submit energy and capacity market offers.
PJM Balks at Lowering QTU Credit Requirement
PJM objected last week to a transmission developer’s efforts to reduce credit requirements on Qualifying Transmission Upgrades (QTUs), saying the RTO lacks authority to compel construction of the projects.
Members Seek Smarter Way to Measure Load Reduction
The Demand Response Subcommittee will seek ways to improve measurement and verification of emergency demand response under an issue charge approved last week by the Market Implementation Committee.

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