July 22, 2024

PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)

PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
The PJM Market Implementation Committee approved a problem statement to analyze potential changes in how energy efficiency resources participate in markets.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
Whether energy efficiency should be allowed in the capacity market drew heated debate on two issues at the PJM Market Implementation Committee meeting.
PJM Asked to Explain Day-Ahead Commitment Assumptions
Stakeholders questioned PJM's method for clearing units in its day-ahead auction at a special session of the Markets Implementation Committee.
New FTR Task Force on the Way for PJM?
With several changes under consideration for its financial transmission rights processes, could PJM be forming another FTR task force?
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
FERC did not act on PJM’s proposed changes to its shortage pricing, so revisions for how to handle transient shortages will go into effect May 11.
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Another Wrinkle Delays Spot-in Changes for PJM
A vote on schedule changes to accommodate spot-in sales between PJM and NYISO was delayed at the Market Implementation Committee meeting.
Utilities Ask to be Kept in Loop on DER Installations
PJM invited two DER developers to explain their operations and presented a case study of its own at the Market Implementation Committee.
PJM Outlines Aggregation Rules for Upcoming Capacity Auction
PJM staff detailed how the new rules for aggregating seasonal resources will be implemented in May’s Base Residual Auction.
PJM Stakeholders Explore Price Formation, Seek Transparency
PJM should explain its daily operating decisions in more detail so market participants can better understand price formation and how markets are formed.
Opposition to Va. Tx Line May Trigger Unintended Consequences
PJM's response to the delay of a transmission line to maintain reliability near Jamestown, Va., may lead to increased costs to ratepayers.

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