PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed by acclamation an RTO-sponsored issue charge to consider changes to how resources committed in advance of the day-ahead market are offer capped.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed a proposal to revise the base formula rate for compensating black start resources.
PJM’s Market Implementation Committee narrowly endorsed a PJM proposal to use ELCC to model the availability of demand response resources in all hours, along with other changes to how DR accreditation is determined.
PJM presented stakeholders with proposed manual revisions to implement a requirement that dual-fuel generators must offer schedules with both of their fuels into the energy market during the winter, as well as changes to the operational and seasonal testing for capacity resources.
PJM and its Monitor presented a joint proposal to rework the balancing operating reserve credit structure to address a scenario they say results in generators receiving uplift payments despite not following dispatch orders.
PJM's Adam Keech told the Market Implementation Committee the RTO plans to file governing document revisions with FERC to expand the requirement that resources must offer into the capacity market to also apply to all resources holding capacity interconnection rights.
PJM presented an issue charge focused on the potential for compensation for generators providing black start service to fall to zero a decline in net cost of new entry values in the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction.
PJM has proposed changes to the demand response availability window, which determines when the curtailment capability is evaluated as accredited capacity and expected to be online for dispatch.
The Market Implementation Committee rejected a PJM issue charge that envisioned adding notice that Base Residual Auction rules are subject to change, with two-thirds of stakeholders opposed.
A PJM discussion on expanding the demand response winter availability window to include a wider range of hours branched off into a broader conversation on how the resource class participates in the RTO's capacity market.
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