July 7, 2024

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)

MRC Action: Calculating Capacity Values for Intermittent Resources
The Markets and Reliability Committee approved a problem statement to protect intermittent generators (e.g., wind) from being assigned artificially depressed...
Tariff Changes OK’d for East Kentucky Integration
The Members Committee approved tariff and agreement changes to allow integration of the East Kentucky Power Cooperative into PJM effective June 1. The change...
PJM, Monitor in Stalemate on FTR Forfeiture Rule
WILMINGTON (April 2, 2013) — PJM officials were left scratching their heads Thursday after stakeholders rejected the RTO’s tariff changes for determining whe...
Cool Reception for DR “Fatigue” Study
WILMINGTON — A proposal to study potential “fatigue” among demand response resources met strong opposition Thursday, March 28, with curtailment service provi...
Task Force to Study Gas-Electric Coordination
The Markets and Reliability Committee approved the creation of a task force to study potential reliability problems resulting from PJM’s increasing reliabili...
Business Practices to Get MRC Review
Business practice documents will be reviewed by the Markets and Reliability Committee in the future under a manual change approved March 28 by the Members Co...
MRC First Readings
The Markets and Reliability Committee heard first readings of the issues listed below. The committee will be asked for its endorsement at its next meeting. C...
MRC Final Approval: Manual Changes
Changes to the following PJM manuals were given final approval by the Markets and Reliability Committee March 28. Click the links below for details. Manual ...
MC/MRC Final Approval: Demand Response Changes
Demand response providers will face increased scrutiny and be required to provide additional documentation under changes given final approval by the Markets ...
Stakeholders Back PJM on FTR Forfeiture Rules
The Market Implementation Committee voted overwhelmingly March 6 to endorse PJM’s proposals for applying forfeiture rules to virtual transactions, rejecting ...

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