PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)
Generator representatives Thursday voiced their opposition to a proposal to set earlier deadlines for seeking exemptions from participation in PJM’s capacity...
The Markets and Reliability Committee Thursday approved two changes to the modeling of Financial Transmission Rights — an effort PJM hopes will reduce the ri...
Wind farms that fail to follow PJM’s electronic dispatch signals will no longer receive lost opportunity cost payments under a tariff amendment outlined to t...
Last week, PJM's MRC approved one problem statement and deferred a vote on a second that would impact DR. Meanwhile, the MC approved a tariff change increasing DR providers’ documentation requirements.
Susan Bruce, an attorney who represents industrial energy users, won approval for a problem statement that could result in requirements that transmission own...
The Markets and Reliability Committee Thursday approved corrections to errors inserted in Schedule 1 of the PJM Operating Agreement and Attachment K of the T...
PJM will suspend its Day Ahead market if it loses Internet service under a contingency plan given approved Thursday.
PJM’s Tariff and Operating Agreement do...
Below is a summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee meetings Thursday, 6/27.
The PJM Operating Committee Tuesday approved changes to manuals 14 and 36. The changes go next to the Markets and Reliability Committee for final approval.
The PJM Planning Committee Thursday approved changes to Manual 19: Load Forecasting and Analysis. The changes go next to the MRC.
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