January 15, 2025

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)

PJM Seeks to Curb Capacity Auction Speculation
PJM Members voted Thursday to approve a problem statement to consider modifying the design of the RPM to reduce speculation on the capacity auction.
Imports, Not DR, Caused Heat Wave Price Crash
Unexpected imports from New York — not the mobilization of demand response — caused the heat wave price crash July 18 after spiking to $465/MWh amid the hottest day of the summer.
MRC First Read on Proposed Manual Changes
The MRC heard first readings on two proposed manual changes. The changes were to manual 14B and 28. Read our story for details.
PJM Urges Action on Simple Stability Fixes to RTEP
Constraints that can be quickly and cheaply resolved would be included in the PJM RTEP under a proposal given first reading at the MRC on Thursday, 8/1/13.
Triennial Cost of New Entry (CONE) Review
PJM MRC members heard first reading on a problem statement to review potential changes to the Cost of New Entry (CONE) triennial review process on August 1, 2013.
PJM, NYISO Tout New Option to Improve Power Scheduling
PJM members will be asked tomorrow to approve a new power scheduling option for transactions into the New York ISO to reduce uneconomic power flows.
MRC/MC Preview
A summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM MRC & MC meetings on Thursday, August 1st, 2013. Reason & impact are included.
MRC Corrects OA, Tariff Errors
The Markets and Reliability Committee Thursday approved corrections to errors inserted in Schedule 1 of the PJM Operating Agreement and Attachment K of the T...
MRC OKs Contingency Plan for Loss of Internet
PJM will suspend its Day Ahead market if it loses Internet service under a contingency plan given approved Thursday. PJM’s Tariff and Operating Agreement do...
MRC Approves New Benefit Test for Market Efficiency Projects
The Markets and Reliability Committee Thursday approved changes to the way PJM determines beneficiaries of market efficiency transmission projects. MRC also...

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