PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)
Members will consider rules allowing batteries, flywheels and other advanced energy storage technologies to participate in the PJM capacity market.
Constraints that can be quickly and cheaply resolved would be included in the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (RTEP) under a proposal the MRC endorsed Thursday after a lengthy discussion. The proposal was approved over the objections of five members, who said it could result in wasteful spending.
Below is a summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM MRC (Markets and Reliability Committee) Thursday, August 29, 2013.
PJM TOs flexed their muscles Wednesday, uniting to reject proposals to allow network load customers more frequent opportunities to switch to nodal pricing.
PJM will add new processes for those seeking exemptions from generator operating parameters under changes endorsed by the MIC Wednesday.
Unexpected imports from New York — not the mobilization of demand response — caused the heat wave price crash July 18 after spiking to $465/MWh amid the hottest day of the summer.
The MRC heard first readings on two proposed manual changes. The changes were to manual 14B and 28. Read our story for details.
Constraints that can be quickly and cheaply resolved would be included in the PJM RTEP under a proposal given first reading at the MRC on Thursday, 8/1/13.
PJM MRC members heard first reading on a problem statement to review potential changes to the Cost of New Entry (CONE) triennial review process on August 1, 2013.
PJM members will be asked tomorrow to approve a new power scheduling option for transactions into the New York ISO to reduce uneconomic power flows.
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