March 7, 2025

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)

Arbitrage Fix Returned to Committee
Lacking consensus, PJM dropped plans for a vote on measures to prevent speculation in the capacity auctions, returning the issue to a lower committee.
Members Deadlock on DR in Capacity Auctions; PJM May Seek FERC OK Despite Stakeholder Opposition
PJM may seek FERC approval for a plan to change the way demand response clears in capacity auctions despite stakeholders’ rejection of the plan.
Members Deadlock on DR in Capacity Auctions
The PJM Board of Managers may seek FERC approval for a staff proposal to change the way demand response clears in capacity auctions despite stakeholders’ rejection of the plan.
MRC MC Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 11/21/13. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
Members OK Capacity Import Limit; Prices May Rise
Members overwhelmingly approved revised methodology that will limit external generation resources in next year's base capacity auction to 6,200 MW ­- a 17% drop from the volume of that cleared in May's auction.
PJM Wins One, Loses One on Capacity Market Changes
Members approved PJM’s methodology for limiting capacity imports but soundly rejected the RTO’s proposal to change the way DR clears in the capacity market.
MRC Preview
RTO Insider's summary of the issues scheduled to be brought before a special meeting of the Markets and Reliability Committees (MRC) Thursday, November 14, 2013.
PJM to Order Temperature Adjustments on Steam Units
PJM will require all steam generators to adjust their capacity ratings based on summer peak load conditions under manual changes outlined to the PC and MIC last week.
Too Many Choices: DR, Auction Changes Go To Vote
After two marathon committee meetings failed to narrow choices, members will vote beginning today on more than a dozen proposals to make demand response more flexible and eliminate arbitrage opportunities in capacity auctions.
MRC/Members Committee Approvals
The PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees approved the following measures with little discussion at their October 24th meeting.

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