March 7, 2025

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)

Manual Change on DR Compensation Rejected; 3 Others OK’d
In a highly unusual move, PJM members Thursday balked at endorsing proposed manual changes governing when Economic demand response qualifies for payment.
Enhanced Inverters Clear MRC
Stakeholders last week agreed to develop technical standards for “smart” inverters that can allow solar PV and other renewables to provide reactive power.
Stakeholders Approve Gas-Electric Communication
PJM Members last week approved revisions to the Operating Agreement to allow PJM to share non-public operational information with natural gas pipelines and local distribution companies.
MRC/MC Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 02/27/14. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
MIC OKs Manual Changes Over DR Protests
PJM members endorsed rules describing when economic demand response is eligible for compensation, over the objections of some demand response providers, who said they are unfair.
Members OK Review of Qualifying Transmission Upgrades Credit Rules
PJM stakeholders agreed to consider lowering credit requirements for Qualifying Transmission Upgrades.
Pipelines, PJM to Align Daily Schedules
Natural gas pipelines will move their nominating schedules later in the day, and PJM will move its Day Ahead schedule forward enhancing gas electric coordination.
Black Start Units to See More Green?
PJM‘s spending on black start generators will increase by at least $3 million — and perhaps as much as $21.6 million — under proposals outlined Thursday.
Manual Changes OKd
The PJM MRC endorsed manual changes to implement proposed capacity import limits and clarify rules on substitution of demand response resources.
PJM Won’t Name Uplift Recipients
PJM's Market Monitor would like to tell stakeholders the identifies of the handful of generators that received $350 million in uplift charges last year. But PJM officials said they are prevented from disclosing the names.

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