July 7, 2024

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)

MRC/MC Voting Summary
The PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees approved several manual and Tariff changes with little or no discussion last week.
PJM Proposes Generic Transition Rule for Capacity Market Changes
Members reacted warily to a proposed generic transition mechanism that would hold capacity providers harmless for future rule changes.
MRC / MC Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 03/27/14. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
PJM Price Forecasts: Close Enough for Power Trading?
The scheduling tool that would be used to optimize power trading between PJM and NYISO is accurate within $5/MWh more than two-thirds of the time, according to a new analysis provided to members last week.
PJM Won’t Act Alone on Black Start
PJM won’t seek additional compensation for black start generators in the face of stakeholder opposition, officials told members Friday. Instead, members of the task force studying the issue will be polled to determine their next step.
Education Sessions Set on Smart Inverters
The Electric Power Research Institute will lead an educational session on smart inverters March 31 as the Planning Committee begins work on developing standards for the devices.
PJM Adds Controversial Demand Response Rules
PJM said it will change Manual 11’s rules regarding compensation for demand response despite a lack of stakeholder support.
PJM Proposes Change to CONE Schedule
PJM officials told members last week they want to accelerate the schedule of the quadrennial review of the Cost of New Entry (CONE) by two months.
Tariff Changes Prepare for CTS
Preparing for a new scheduling product, the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee last week approved collateral rules for export transactions.
Second Time Not the Charm
PJM’s attempt to address speculation in the capacity market collapsed Thursday as members failed for the second time in three months to reach consensus on rule changes.

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