September 7, 2024


PJM Interconnection LLC is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Dominion Energy Earnings Impacted by Weather, Not COVID-19
Dominion Energy saw little load impact from the COVID-19 pandemic in the first quarter, but earnings were hurt by an abnormally warm winter season.
PSEG Turns Bullish on NJ FRR Option
PSEG CEO Ralph Izzo said it would be “logical” for New Jersey to abandon the PJM capacity market by adopting the fixed resource requirement option.
PJM Members Committee Briefs: May 4, 2020
PJM held its Annual Meeting via teleconference, feting Board Member Susan J. Riley and former Vice President of Planning Steve Herling on their retirements.
PJM MRC Briefs: April 30, 2020
The PJM MRC deferred a vote on an issue charge to consider rule changes for hybrid resources after members questioned the plan to assign it to a new senior task force.
PJM End-of-life Tx Proposals Near Vote
PJM stakeholders debated for nearly two hours over three proposals to address transmission owners’ spending on end-of-life projects.
PJM Analyzes Potential COVID-19 Generation Losses
PJM could support the loss of up to 40% of capacity this summer in a worst-case scenario situation in which COVID-19 spreads among plant workers.
PJM Outlines Revised MOPR Compliance Filing
PJM shared its initial response to FERC’s April 16 rehearing orders on the MOPR, which required the RTO to make an additional compliance filing by June 1.
PJM MC Preview: May 4, 2020
PJM's Members Committee will elect a replacement to the Board of Managers for Susan Riley and re-elect Chairman Ake Almgren and member Charles Robinson.
PJM Monitor Defends FRR Analyses in MOPR Debate
PJM’s Monitor defended a conclusion that ratepayers are likely to see cost increases in jurisdictions that exit the capacity market and adopt the FRR option.
PJM CEO Introduces Himself
PJM CEO Manu Asthana spoke about his personal background, career and leadership philosophy during a Raab Associates webinar.

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