March 5, 2025

Other NYISO Committees

FERC Clarifies Ruling on NYISO Capacity Change
FERC denied NRG’s request for rehearing of an order concerning NYISO Tariff revisions intended to correct an inefficiency in the ISO’s capacity market.
FERC Approves NYISO Tx Cost Recovery Changes
FERC accepted NYISO’s proposed Tariff changes establishing a cost recovery mechanism for transmission projects in the Comprehensive System Planning Process.
FERC Approves NY Black Start Rule Change
FERC approved NYISO’s more stringent testing requirements for generators providing black start and system restoration services.
FERC Grants NYISO Shortage Pricing Waiver
FERC granted NYISO a waiver of its shortage pricing rules, giving the ISO time to align its Tariff with its market software.
Potomac Economics
Nuclear, Hydro Help New York Offset Higher Gas Prices in Q2
New York energy markets performed competitively in the second quarter, according to the NYISO Market Monitoring Unit’s State of the Market report.
FERC Denies NRG Waiver in NY Emissions Case
FERC denied NRG Curtailment Solutions’ request for an exemption from NYISO penalties for nonperformance.
NY DER Question: Deployment or Markets First?
New York utilities still need time to develop the analytical tools to understand how to deal with DER and deploy it well in the wholesale markets.
Renewables Reshaping NY Grid, Policy
Attendees of the Renewable Energy Conference discussed the challenges of interconnecting the high volume of renewables needed to meet New York's goals.
NYISO ‘Power Trends’ Report a ‘Tale of Two Grids’ — or More
NYISO’s Power Trends 2017 report shows an electric system of flat peak demand adapting under pressure from both public policy and consumer patterns.
Overheard at the IPPNY Annual Spring Conference
About 200 stakeholders and NYISO officials discussed carbon policy, zero-emission credits, and other issues at IPPNY’s 31st Annual Spring Conference.

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