March 3, 2025

Other NYISO Committees

Institute for Local Self-Reliance
NY Stakeholders Debate Carbon Charges for REC Resources
Stakeholders debated a NYISO proposal to disqualify some holders of renewable energy credit contracts from getting paid carbon charges.
FERC Clarifies New York TOs’ Cost Recovery
New York transmission owners will be eligible for full cost recovery when regulated backstop solution reliability projects are canceled, FERC said.
FERC Grants NYISO Waiver on Grandfathered Tx Contracts
FERC granted NYISO a temporary Tariff waiver to allow it to reserve 256 MW of transmission congestion contracts for load-serving entities (LSEs).
Brookfield Granted NYISO ICAP Waiver
FERC granted Brookfield Energy Marketing a one-time NYISO Tariff waiver allowing the company to avoid paying a penalty for a clerical error.
Direct Energy
FERC Denies Bayonne NYISO Tariff Waiver Request
FERC denied Bayonne Energy Center a waiver of several NYISO Tariff provisions, which the plant said it needed to enter the ISO’s June capacity auction.
Con Ed Braces for Possible Regulatory Storms
Consolidated Edison’s (Con Ed) Q1 2018 earnings jumped more than 10% on an increased rate base and a weather-related boost in steam revenues.
NYISO Study Identifies Key Areas of Tx Congestion
Preliminary results from a biennial NYISO study show high congestion in three areas of the New York bulk power system.
Report Highlights Fast-changing New York Grid
The New York ISO (NYISO) faces increasing penetration of intermittent distributed energy resources (DER), declining load, all-time low energy prices and the need to replace aging generation.
Brattle Group
NY Carbon Task Force Discusses Seams, ‘Leakage’
The New York Integrating Public Policy Task Force tackled the complex issue of avoiding the pitfall of “carbon leakage.”
NextEra Energy Transmission
FERC Denies Rehearing on NextEra NYISO Adder
FERC rejected the New York PSC request to rehear a November 2017 decision granting NextEra Energy a 50-basis-point adder for participating in NYISO.

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