Other NYISO Committees
A new NYISO study will examine the energy market and reliability implications of a grid being transformed faster by public policy than by market forces.
Stakeholders expressed some skepticism as the Analysis Group revealed the outline of a new study to provide insights into pricing carbon in NYISO’s markets.
NYISO stakeholders debated that carbon pricing could occasionally leave New York electricity consumers paying into the carbon revenue account.
NYISO stakeholders learned that pricing carbon into the wholesale energy market would have little effect on corporate credit rules.
NYISO told stakeholders how pricing carbon would impact the ISO’s Tariff, and how it will handle residual allocations stemming from carbon charges.
The working group charged with shepherding carbon pricing into New York’s wholesale electricity market discussed how to handle import/export transactions.
NYISO recommended its carbon pricing proposal no longer include emissions-free resources with existing REC contracts pay the LBMP carbon component.
NYISO announced that CEO Brad Jones has abruptly left the ISO after three years and that it has named General Counsel Robert Fernandez as interim CEO.
A study suggests that New York’s effort to price carbon into its electricity market could result in reduced CO2 emissions from neighboring generators.
A Brattle Group study found that a carbon charge would only slightly impact NY’s wholesale energy prices, with any increase offset by benefits.
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