Other NYISO Committees
Meeting New York’s ambitious goal of reaching 100% emissions-free electricity will require an “astonishing” 80 GW of new generation by 2040.
NYISO will face a myriad of challenges as New York decarbonizes its economy and the power sector transitions to zero-emissions generation.
A new initiative will aim to help NYISO improve its monitoring of fuel and energy security across the New York grid, stakeholders heard.
NYISO floated a plan that would provide hybrid storage resources three options for participating in its energy and capacity markets.
NYISO plans to devote one day a month for stakeholders to discuss reliability and market issues related to integrating clean energy resources.
New York must put a price on carbon if it hopes to meet the aggressive timelines of the decarbonization goals set out in a new state law.
A NYISO study found that pricing carbon into the ISO’s wholesale markets will help New York achieve its clean energy goals.
NYISO said several of its market design projects are behind schedule, leading some to question whether it has taken on more initiatives than it can handle.
A $63/ton carbon price could drive New York state's clean energy penetration to as high as 64% of the state’s resource mix by 2025.
Analysis Group’s Sue Tierney briefed NYISO’s Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group on the preliminary results of her firm’s carbon pricing study.
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