October 5, 2024

Other NYISO Committees

NYISO Looks at Carbon Charge Tariff Impacts, Residuals
NYISO told stakeholders how pricing carbon would impact the ISO’s Tariff, and how it will handle residual allocations stemming from carbon charges.
Imports/Exports Top Talk at NYISO Carbon Pricing Kick-off
The working group charged with shepherding carbon pricing into New York’s wholesale electricity market discussed how to handle import/export transactions.
Brattle Group
IPPTF Updates Carbon Charge Analysis, Treatment of RECs
NYISO recommended its carbon pricing proposal no longer include emissions-free resources with existing REC contracts pay the LBMP carbon component.
Brad Jones out at NYISO
NYISO announced that CEO Brad Jones has abruptly left the ISO after three years and that it has named General Counsel Robert Fernandez as interim CEO.
Resources for the Future
‘Negative Leakage’ from NY Carbon Charge, Study Shows
A study suggests that New York’s effort to price carbon into its electricity market could result in reduced CO2 emissions from neighboring generators.
The Brattle Group
NY Study: Minimal Price Impact from Carbon Charge
A Brattle Group study found that a carbon charge would only slightly impact NY’s wholesale energy prices, with any increase offset by benefits.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
NY Stakeholders Debate Carbon Charges for REC Resources
Stakeholders debated a NYISO proposal to disqualify some holders of renewable energy credit contracts from getting paid carbon charges.
FERC Clarifies New York TOs’ Cost Recovery
New York transmission owners will be eligible for full cost recovery when regulated backstop solution reliability projects are canceled, FERC said.
FERC Grants NYISO Waiver on Grandfathered Tx Contracts
FERC granted NYISO a temporary Tariff waiver to allow it to reserve 256 MW of transmission congestion contracts for load-serving entities (LSEs).
Brookfield Granted NYISO ICAP Waiver
FERC granted Brookfield Energy Marketing a one-time NYISO Tariff waiver allowing the company to avoid paying a penalty for a clerical error.

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