July 29, 2024


The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
Supreme Court Won’t Hear ZEC Challenges
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear challenges to Illinois’ and New York’s nuclear subsidies, leaving standing appellate court rulings.
NYISO Draft Gold Book Shows EVs Driving Load Growth
A draft of NYISO’s annual load and capacity forecast shows EV usage driving a 66% increase in New York’s projected baseline peak demand growth.
Europe Sees Dollar Signs in East Coast Waters
The turnout at a major offshore wind conference in New York suggests European developers believe the waters off the U.S. East Coast are the next big thing.
NYISO Seeks to Refine Carbon Price Equation
NYISO proposed using an estimated fuel cost to help determine the carbon component of locational-based marginal prices, while the state’s largest waste energy producer called for carbon offsets to be included in the final carbon pricing plan.
NYISO Board Selects 2 AC Public Policy Tx Projects
NYISO’s Board of Directors selected two transmission projects intended to address persistent congestion and deliver renewable energy to population centers.
FERC Asks RTOs for more Details on Storage Rules
FERC issued deficiency letters to all six jurisdictional RTOs and ISOs over their proposed energy storage rules, pressing for definitions, tariff citations and other details.
FERC Denies NYDEC Rehearing on Northern Access
FERC denied the New York Department of Environmental Conservation's request for rehearing and stay on the Northern Access natural gas pipeline.
NY Examines VDER Capacity Value Compensation
New York officials, utilities and solar advocates are trading comments through the PSC on what constitutes appropriate compensation for DER capacity value.
Study: Frequency Response OK in Eastern Interconnection
Despite the ongoing shift to renewables, the Eastern Interconnection has sufficient inertia to maintain system frequency for at least the next five years.
Analysis Group Presents NYISO Carbon Pricing Study Plan
Stakeholders expressed some skepticism as the Analysis Group revealed the outline of a new study to provide insights into pricing carbon in NYISO’s markets.

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