July 28, 2024


The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
FERC Narrows NYISO Mitigation Exemptions
FERC narrowed the resources exempt from NYISO’s buyer-side market power mitigation rules, ordering the ISO to subject storage and DR to a minimum offer floor.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Feb. 12, 2020
NYISO stakeholders approved external ICAP limits and changes to the Transmission Congestion Contracts Manual during the Business Issues Committee meeting.
FERC Upholds Orders on PJM Tx Withdrawal Rights
FERC declined to rehear its order directing PJM to allow two merchant transmission operators to convert some transmission withdrawal rights to non-firm.
FERC Denies Rehearing on NYISO LCRs
FERC denied rehearing of its order accepting NYISO’s revisions to the methodology it uses to determine locational minimum installed capacity requirements.
NYISO DER Participation Model Gets FERC OK
FERC approved NYISO’s proposal to allow aggregations of distributed energy resources to participate in its markets.
Ravenswood Wins Extension on NYISO CRIS Rights
FERC granted Helix Ravenswood a limited waiver under NYISO’s Tariff to retain its CRIS rights for its deactivated gas turbines in New York City.
NYPSC Expands Energy Efficiency, Indexes RECs
The New York PSC committed an additional $2 billion to energy efficiency and building-electrification programs and created an index renewable energy credit.
NYISO Stakeholders OK Moving IESO Proxy Bus
NYISO is moving the proxy bus for pricing transactions with Ontario’s IESO to reflect power-flow changes from the implementation of phase-angle regulators.
NYISO Prepares Hybrid Storage Market Participation
NYISO began an effort to develop a model for allowing front-of-the-meter energy storage resources paired with generation to participate in its markets.
Cuomo Sets New York’s Green Goals for 2020
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signaled the state will continue to step up efforts to decarbonize its economy with an eye to spreading the benefits.

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