July 28, 2024


The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
Experts Discuss Clean Energy Transition in CGEP Webinar
Experts from New England and New York debated how the electricity sector can transition as society moves to a low-carbon, increasingly electrified economy.
ISO, RTO Officials Debate Role of Natural Gas Resources
A discussion on natural gas’ role in a clean-energy grid during NARUC's Summer Policy Summit revealed a divide between ISOs and RTOs.
NY Announces 4 GW in Clean Energy RFPs
New York announced it is seeking a combined 4 GW of offshore wind, onshore wind and solar power.
NYISO BSM Mitigation Ruling Sparks Glick Rebuke
FERC approved NYISO’s revised buyer-side market power mitigation rules, prompting a scathing dissent from Commissioner Richard Glick.
NYPSC Approves $700 Million for EV Chargers
The New York PSC approved $700 million over the next five years to install more than 50,000 light-duty EV charging stations throughout the state.
NYISO BIC Balks on Increased Reserves
NYISO stakeholders delayed a vote on the ISO’s proposal to procure up to 500 MW of additional reserves for Southeast New York pending another cost analysis.
Court Sides with NY on EPA ‘Good Neighbor’ Finding
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the EPA to reopen a petition filed by New York, New Jersey and New York City into air pollution coming from upwind states.
Community Shared Solar Grows in NYC
Sustainable CUNY held a webinar to discuss the different ways New York City is making solar power available to low- to moderate-income residents.
NYISO Q1 Energy Prices Hit 11-Year Low
NYISO energy prices sank to 11-year lows during the first quarter, ranging from $15 to $35/MWh, according to the MMU’s State of the Market report.
Bulk Tx, 115-kV Upgrades Needed for NY 70×30 Goal
NYISO will need to expand its bulk transmission and some low-voltage lines to meet New York’s 2030 climate goals, according to the ISO's latest CARIS.

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