July 26, 2024


The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
NY Considering IRPs for Gas Utilities
New York regulators have proposed natural gas planning procedures that could address how utilities balance infrastructure needs with GHG reduction goals.
BOEM Hears Public Support for South Fork OSW
Fishermen, environmentalists, labor unions and local residents broadly support the 132-MW South Fork Wind Project off Long Island.
NYPSC OKs Clean Energy Programs, Local Transmission Planning
The New York Public Service Commission approved several programs to speed up the state’s transition to renewable energy.
NYISO Proposes ‘Grid in Transition’ Metrics
NYISO proposed a three-tier approach for working on projects in its Grid in Transition initiative and how to measure their effects.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Feb. 10, 2021
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved revisions to its Installed Capacity and Transmission and Dispatch Operations Manuals.
FERC Fines NY Generator on Fuel Data
FERC approved a settlement requiring Alliance NYGT to pay nearly $900,000 for running plants on natural gas while being reimbursed for kerosene.
NY Builds OSW Ports in Brooklyn, Albany, Long Island
New York OSW developers began constructing the facilities needed to operate their projects after the state completed the nation’s largest wind procurement
NY Munis Forge Way for Building Decarbonization
Some local sustainability leaders in New York are making headway with the legal pathways to decarbonize their buildings and meet emission-reduction targets.
Study: No Silver Bullet for Fossil-Climate Legal Tension
An Energy Law Journal case study creviews state climate policies that are inconsistent with others that support residential customer access to natural gas.
New York Proposes Food Scrap Regs to Cut Waste, Emissions
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced proposed regulations for large food scrap generators.

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