MISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)
Midcontinent Independent System Operator is working to create market rules for capacity reserves that can be supplied within 30 minutes.
The MISO Market Subcommittee agreed to examine a new market mechanism to compensate resources for delivering system restoration energy.
MISO’s Monitor pointed to other RTOs to illustrate the ineffectiveness of the coordinated transaction scheduling (CTS) between MISO and PJM.
MISO offered its energy storage participation proposal for final stakeholder inspection while promising to introduce more new market rules in the future.
MISO said it might rely on a dormant analysis to create a pricing structure to compensate resources used to restore the system in a blackout.
MISO plans to hold a final Order 841 workshop on Oct. 10 to complete its collection of stakeholder opinions on its energy storage participation model.
MISO has sufficient resources available to cope with warm conditions this fall, although there is a risk it may be forced to order emergency procedures.
The MISO market was competitive in 2017, but the RTO should do more to address increasing congestion and low capacity prices, Monitor David Patton said.
MISO’s Market Subcommittee will re-examine whether it should compensate resources for energy delivered during a system restoration event.
MISO outlined the range of stakeholder feedback it has received since revealing its straw proposal for energy storage resources in June.
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