MISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)
MISO is considering how to alter its market rules to comply with a FERC order that “softens” the current energy offer cap.
The MISO Market Subcommittee discussed FERC's recent order on energy storage and December's spike in revenue sufficiency guarantee payments.
MISO may retire its Credit Settlements Working Group because of a lack of substantive work and stakeholder volunteers willing to chair the group.
MISO will spend $1.8 million on consultants to evaluate how its aging market system can be improved to respond to stress and future threats.
MISO has canceled plans for a mechanism to track the reasons behind commitment decisions because of a lack of stakeholder interest.
Some wind power generators appear to be deliberately over-forecasting their output to inflate their revenues, according to MISO IMM David Patton.
Following a summertime emergency pricing event that resulted in depressed prices, MISO is considering changing its emergency offer floor calculations to expand the pricing logic to more emergency power.
The MISO Independent Market Monitor presented new data showing how much energy is wasted because of the RTO’s lenient thresholds for uninstructed deviations, reviving his criticism of the rules.
MISO's mechanism for allocating charges under its settlement with SPP was certified by a FERC administrative law judge the same day the Market Subcommittee met.
The MISO Market Roadmap projects have been rearranged following stakeholder complaints over the lack of transparency behind the RTO’s reasoning.
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