July 31, 2024


The Midcontinent Independent System Operator is a regional transmission organization that plans transmission projects, administers wholesale markets for its membership and manages the flow of electricity in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. 
MISO Market Platform Replacement Project up $20M
MISO’s market platform replacement is $20M over budget as staff navigate the intricacies of replacing a decades-old system and pandemic-related issues.
Coal Org Pushes Back on Self-Commit Study
America’s Power has countered a Union of Concerned Scientists analysis claiming coal plant self-commitments are unnecessarily costing ratepayers millions.
MISO Closer to Seasonal Capacity, Reliability Reqs
MISO will evaluate the merits of defining new seasonal reliability criteria and implementing a sub-annual capacity construct, stakeholders learned.
FERC Orders More Detail in Affected Systems Compliance
MISO, PJM and SPP are close to meeting FERC’s transparency requirements around affected-system studies, but their compliance filings still need fine-tuning.
Hearing Ordered on $154M ATSI Rate Bid
FERC ordered hearing and settlement procedures on ATSI’s request to recover $154 million, including costs related to its move from MISO to PJM in 2011.
Panelists Probe Racial Disparities in Energy Industry
Industry experts discussed the energy industry’s racial gaps and how to design more equitable energy policies that address issues faced by the poor.
Stakeholders Split on Potential MISO RA Requirements
Stakeholders appear torn over whether MISO should develop reliability guidelines that could establish uniform resource adequacy criteria.
CapX2050 Prompts MISO Focus on Midwest Tx
MISO will conduct a more thorough study of transmission capacity needs in the Upper Midwest in response to utilities behind the independent CapX2050 planning study.
Study Foresees MISO Solar Eclipsing Wind
MISO’s southern and central regions could surpass the RTO’s wind-heavy north as the biggest producer of renewable energy, new study results indicate.
MISO Unveils 1st Proposal to Consolidate Tx Planning
MISO proposed requiring upgrades needed by generation projects to reach certain voltage and price levels before they can be tested for cost-sharing eligibility.

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