July 31, 2024


The Midcontinent Independent System Operator is a regional transmission organization that plans transmission projects, administers wholesale markets for its membership and manages the flow of electricity in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. 
Sustainable FERC Project Hones on Nixed MISO Renewables
The Sustainable FERC Project has released an interactive map of MISO’s interconnection queue, highlighting many renewable gigawatts the footprint has lost out on.
MISO, SPP Regulators Ponder Monitors’ Recommendations
MISO’s and SPP’s market monitors presented their last report to state regulators working to improve the RTOs’ interregional coordination.
MISO Enacts Rolling Blackouts in Laura Aftermath
Hurricane Laura’s lashing of south Louisiana and southeast Texas led MISO to implement last-resort rolling power outages.
MISO in Final Stretch of $4B MTEP 20
MISO is putting the final touches on its most expensive annual transmission investment package after a final round of planning meetings.
LS Power Again Seeks MISO Cost Allocation Change
Transmission developer LS Power made a three-pronged attack on MISO’s cost-allocation structure with a trio of FERC filings.
FERC Orders Tech Conference on MISO-SPP Congestion
FERC ordered a technical conference to investigate overlapping congestion charges imposed on pseudo-tie transactions between MISO and SPP.
MISO, SPP Close to Ruling out Joint Projects Again
MISO and SPP appear to have come up empty once again after a fourth study failed to detect a joint transmission project.
Montana Supreme Court Rebuffs PSC on PURPA Rules
The Montana PSC “arbitrarily and unlawfully” reduced solar generators’ payments and contract lengths under PURPA, the Supreme Court ruled.
Gulf Grid Operators, Utilities Shore up for Laura
Hurricane Laura’s impending landfall along the Gulf Coast has MISO, Entergy, SPP and ERCOT bracing for grid impacts.
Memphis Moves Closer to Breaking from TVA
Memphis Light, Gas and Water took another step away from TVA as staff recommended it issue its first ever request for proposals for new energy sources.

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