MISO Advisory Committee (AC)MISO Board of DirectorsMISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)MISO Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)MISO Regulatory Organizations & CommitteesOrganization of MISO States (OMS)MISO Reliability Subcommittee (RSC)MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)
The Midcontinent Independent System Operator is a regional transmission organization that plans transmission projects, administers wholesale markets for its membership and manages the flow of electricity in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin.
MISO’s second, mostly 765-kV long-range transmission plan could tip past $25 billion with the addition of more projects, stakeholders have learned.
A relatively low turnout of constructed capacity in recent years could deepen a potential 2.7-GW capacity deficit in summer 2025 to more than 14 GW by summer 2029, MISO and OMS revealed in a five-year projection.
Two years after announcing its $1.8 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue transmission portfolio with SPP, MISO is putting final touches on FERC filings to make it happen.
The 2024 Mid-America Regulatory Conference showcased a tug-of-war of positivity and cynicism over meeting growing demand with a fleet that should evolve faster to meet clean energy goals.
FERC authorized an exception to MISO’s interconnection rights transfer process, allowing two Xcel Energy subsidiaries to cooperate on a replacement of a coal-fired plant with a solar farm.
MISO’s 2024 Transmission Expansion Plan increased slightly in cost to $5.8 billion while the Southern Renewable Energy Association requested MISO explore an alternative to an Entergy Texas reliability project.
MISO said new queue entries must wait while it takes another swing at imposing an annual megawatt cap on its interconnection queue.
FERC ruled that MISO can apply new settlement practices to generators physically disconnected from the grid during extensive transmission outages triggered by extreme events.
A court of appeals has toppled Wisconsin’s longstanding ban on aggregators of demand response participating in wholesale markets.
MISO said a riskier operating environment means it needs a more nuanced approach to its regulation reserve requirements.
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