September 7, 2024


The Midcontinent Independent System Operator is a regional transmission organization that plans transmission projects, administers wholesale markets for its membership and manages the flow of electricity in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. 
Test Phase Approaches for MISO Market Platform
MISO is ready to begin testing some of the capabilities of its new market platform as the effort to develop the system enters its fourth year.
MISO Delays New LMR Accreditation Launch
MISO’s plan to crop some load-modifying resources’ capacity credits remains unpopular with stakeholders, prompting the RTO to postpone the accreditation.
MISO Leans Toward Seasonal RA
MISO is contemplating creating a seasonal design for its resource adequacy construct to manage potential reliability risks outside of the summer months.
Enable Losses Slam CenterPoint, OGE Energy
Enable Midstream partners CenterPoint and OGE lost $1.2 billion and $492 million, respectively, following the partnership’s recent cutbacks.
MISO Plugs SATOA Plan at FERC Conference
MISO defended its first storage-as-transmission proposal, maintaining the plan is a good interim measure while the RTO designs a permanent approach.
CMS Energy Stays Course Despite Virus Havoc
CMS Energy said it will stick to planned long-term investments and complete decarbonization plans despite uncertainties by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19, Electrification Stir MISO Futures Debate
MISO presented stakeholders a long-awaited set of planning futures it insists are final despite calls for an additional scenario that models a downturn stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
MISO Preps for Balmy Summer with Pandemic Effects
Warmer-than-usual weather this summer means MISO will likely have to declare an emergency, even without heavy loads or a high volume of generation outages.
DTE to Cut Spending in Response to Pandemic
DTE Energy will cut $60 million in operations and maintenance expenses to counteract sagging energy sales caused by social distancing measures in Michigan.
FERC Denies Rehearing on Affected System Order
FERC denied rehearing of a 2019 order that directed MISO, PJM and SPP to shine more light on how they perform their affected-system studies.

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