March 11, 2025

Energy Market

Dykes Calls out ISO-NE, FERC on Carbon Pricing
Connecticut DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes took aim at both ISO-NE and FERC in a panel discussion on carbon pricing during a Consumer Liaison Group meeting.
MISO Looks Back on Turbulent Summer
With a challenging summer in the rearview, MISO expects more traditional reliability risks this fall while making blueprints for an industry roiled by change.
Solid Support for EIM Joint Authority Plan
EIM stakeholders broadly support a proposal that would expand the Governing Body’s approval authority and grant it a “more collaborative” relationship with CAISO’s board.
Heat Waves, Blackouts Slow Western EIM Expansion
Heat waves and capacity shortfalls have slowed an effort by the Western EIM to expand from a real-time interstate trading forum to a day-ahead market.
MISO IMM Rebuts Uneconomic Coal Commitment Studies
Uneconomic self-commitments of coal resources in MISO’s footprint are not occurring at the clip that critics imagine, the RTO’s Monitor said.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: Sept. 10, 2020
MISO expects adequate resources for the fall, though planned generator outages are expected to be higher this year.
Texas PUC Rejects Call to Reprice Error
The Texas PUC dismissed a complaint asking ERCOT to reprice a 2019 dispatch interval after an error sent prices to their $9,000/MWh cap.
CAISO MSC Urges Scarcity Pricing for Emergencies
CAISO’s Market Surveillance Committee said the ISO needs to consider implementing scarcity pricing as a way to obtain energy during heat waves and supply shortages.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Sept. 9, 2020
Con Ed won approval from the NYISO BIC of a proposal to increase the exemption from real-time generation penalties for units that supply steam to New York City.
PJM MIC Briefs: Sept. 2, 2020
PJM stakeholders unanimously endorsed the development of business rules to address a market suspension from an emergency or some other incident.

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