March 10, 2025

Energy Market

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NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: Oct. 1, 2020
ISO-NE will ask FERC to exempt EE resources from capacity performance payments without the NEPOOL Participants Committee's endorsement.
FERC Urged to Embrace Carbon Pricing
Most panelists urged FERC to support state and RTO efforts to introduce carbon pricing during a daylong technical conference.
CAISO Governors Say Hello, Goodbye
The CAISO Board of Governors bid farewell to its retired CEO, greeted a new leader and approved a plan to implement FERC Order 831.
CAISO Floats EIM Base Schedule Rule Changes
CAISO launched a two-part initiative Wednesday that would alter how Western Energy Imbalance Market participants submit their base schedules.
FERC OKs CAISO Cost Recovery Plan for Gas
CAISO won FERC approval for its second effort to allow generators to recover the costs of higher natural gas prices.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Comm. Briefs: Sept. 23, 2020
ERCOT staff told stakeholders they are working to reduce errors following two recent unrelated events that led to price corrections and resettlements.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Sept. 23, 2020
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey told stakeholders that staff are determining whether a technical problem related to the demand curve reset violates the Tariff.
SPP Board of Directors/MC Briefs: Sept. 22, 2020
SPP’s board and Members Committee met outside of their normal quarterly schedule to consider a number of pressing issues.
Dykes Calls out ISO-NE, FERC on Carbon Pricing
Connecticut DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes took aim at both ISO-NE and FERC in a panel discussion on carbon pricing during a Consumer Liaison Group meeting.
MISO Looks Back on Turbulent Summer
With a challenging summer in the rearview, MISO expects more traditional reliability risks this fall while making blueprints for an industry roiled by change.

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